15 September 2011

The Fun Factor

Sorry if this is not a technical post, but it is closely related with my amateur radio equipment repairs.
Back when I began to fix my own radios, at the end of the 1990s, it was a treat for me to get them working again. It was so nice that I began to buy nonworking radios just for the fun of fixing them. So the Fun Factor back then was high.

Then, some people around (other local hams) needed to fix their own rigs and I began to fix rigs for free for other people. Soon I found that there was too much work to do and, as a way to keep the flow controlled, I began to get some cash from the repairs. So far, so good: Fun Factor was again at a reasonable level, if not so high than before.

But now, some years later, I find myself overflown by rigs to fix and, luckily only sometimes, also by angry people who want the work done NOW. And CHEAP. So, steadily but irremissibly, the Fun Factor has gone down and down and down... and now is close to zero. I have almost completely stopped to use my own rigs and, seldomly, fix my own nonworking rigs (which I have in large quantity, waiting for care). So I am fixing other people rigs about 95% of my hobby time and just a 5% of the time is devoted to, for example, write on this BLOG (now you can understand why it has so few updates!)

But I have taken a decision: I want the Fun Factor back. So I plan to carefully filter what I am going to fix for other people. No more bulb changing, simple mods or even just admitting to fix abused rigs. I am sorry, this is not an NPO. I want to use my hobby time to learn about RF circuits, operate my radio station and fix my rigs. And, then, fix some other people rigs. But not the opposite!

Sorry for these ramblings but I needed to write this down so it will be an unbreakable decision. You will know if I succeed by the number of posts here!

Thanks for reading :-)



Anonymous said...

Your webpage has certainly received a facelift. Hope your Fun Factor also does too and very soon. Always enjoy your posts. Best of Luck and 73

stephen eagle

Anonymous said...

I too started to fix broken radios after I retired in order to keetp my skills up, I have a very modestly, miniumn equipped shack, so I limit my work to hybrids. I have followed your work via the web and find that you are dedicated to mke these old rigs come back to life. I found out the same thing you did, the fun left, so I have cut back on my intake of radios for repairs and Iam now concentrating on my stuff and repairs of some of the stuff I own. Keep up the repair comments on your web and good luck.
Don w5dja

Anonymous said...

me too, i repair stuff from friends with my limited equipment (waaaay too far and outmoded than your workshop) such that most of my free time is devoted to fixing other people's rigs...will cut down too and have some time for me and my family...

i enjoy reading your website, nice pictures and even nicer info from a highly skilled ham...keep posting!


Anonymous said...

I agree with you. You have to be happy with what you do! I fix so much crap I hardly feel like messing around with anything.

Jose EB5AGV said...

Thank you all for your comments!

I am slowly going back to having fun with the repairs :-)


Anonymous said...

Well, I've seen this page after your other one. I'm anonymous here because I haven't any of the other choices but you probably have my email by now. Seems a good decision and I wish you luck. Yes, the fun factor is important.